
Showing posts from May, 2019

Developing True Unshakeable Confidence With God

The teen years often get a bad rap. They are often characterized by cliques, parties, bad behaviour, angst and all around confusion. Our families tend to take second priority to our newfound friend circles. Everyone is trying to fit in and be liked by everyone. The standards we set are often too high, leaving a group of people who don't meet the standards and don't suck up to (or aren't liked by) the people who do on the outskirts. And when it comes to adolescence, you are either popular or unpopular, and often if you are unpopular, you are viewed as having nothing. Most adults wouldn't think this matters that much. But as a teenager myself, I understand that being unpopular (and therefore viewed as having nothing)... sucks. Especially since adolescence is very much built upon and defined by the crowd mentality. Most teen movies exaggerate this (there usually isn't a clique of beautiful, prissy, skinny girls in pink, or any true "top clique" like these f